
Kamu Kamu Melody from Children's book" Kamu Ninja"

KAMU KAMU MELODY is the song of a children's book for dietary education"KAMU NINJA", which JAPANESE NINJA tells how much BITING WELL AT MEAL is important to children. Yes, "KAMU"means "BITE" in Japanese.

I hope that children could have fun meals with enjoying biting well to the rhythm. You MUST try it and let's say "KAMU KAMU" with us.


Kamu Kamu Melody from Children's book" Kamu Ninja"






ひとりでも、多くの方に 楽しんでいただきたいです。






かむかむメロディーは iTunes storeでお買い求めいただけます。



 日本の食文化を伝える出版社 SUGAO